I believe in relationships. Selling something to someone once isn’t that difficult. Selling to them again is a sign that you are doing your job well. This is an art and very few can do it well.
Sales is an art and very few can do it.

This is who I am and the path I have taken

Founder and VP Of Sales at Berzatu

Take a seat and welcome Asia’s new economic powerhouse!

I bring Israeli business culture to Indonesia and create business opportunities in an unexplored market that is waiting to explode. I am frequently asked: “Jonathan, we want to work in Indonesia. can you help me?”. “Jonathan, you live in Israel right? Can you find us an investment?” How many times have I heard this? So why not pick the good opportunities and work them?! The most important business value for me in Berzatu is professionalism. Professionalism in – finding the right business partners for my clients, reaching target audiences and breaking into a new market yet to be discovered.
2018 - 21
Founder at SpiritU

Different people, different places, and one common drinking culture.

Over the years I have learned to appreciate a good drink, a good cocktail. It was on one of my many trips to Bali Indonesia I came across a series of bottles in my hotel room. Cocktails available at the hotel bar, bottled in your room. I knew immediately what I wanted to do. On arrival home, my partners and I founded spiritU – the largest bottled cocktail brand in the country. Today the business targets both B2B and B2C, logistics and e-commerce. We are expanding beyond our home market and innovating with new flavors and tastes. For me it it will always remain Bali in a bottle.
Founder at Meticx

Revolutionizing the nail polish industry.

Always on the search to establish a company with an original solution to a worldwide problem and a simple business plan. Would you be surprised to find out that the idea for an automatic nail polish device came from two men? and in an orange grove? This new technology, enables women (and whoever) to apply nail polish anywhere, anytime, in a few seconds. My business partner and I (and millions of people around the globe) can finally get closer to our wives, even if they just applied nail polish. If you’re wondering – then YES, this “problem” we shared was what spawned this revolutionary idea.The device automatically identifies the end-users nail structure, and then both swiftly and precisely applies nail polish. In order to establish the perfect product, I led an international market research and accompanied the process of development, production, and fundraising, among investors from around the world. This mind blowing company sets to revolutionize the cosMETICX industry.
CBO at MX1 (Sold to SES)

Its not over till its over.

I managed a business unit that consisted of 16 people positioned globally. After months of negotiation with what was to become the company’s largest client, we had reached an impasse. Our CEO was ready to end the negotiations and call it a day. Let me go to Los Angeles one more time. I pleaded. “Go” he said -” but i expect nothing to come of this”. One month later we inked the largest single client in the company’s history. 15m USD. How? what happened? well not all stories need to be told…. what I will say is that this led to numerous even bigger adventures in one of the most exciting, adventurous periods of my career.
VP of Sales & Strategy Asia Pacific at Comigo

“We want to be the Netflix of Thailand. can you make it happen?”

Our main business was selling a software platform enabling operators to launch IP based TV platforms. Approached by a young ambitious Thai based company, looking to do battle with the newly launched Netflix. Accompanying them from thought process to planning, to testing, to launch was both exciting and a huge rush. The relationships made, the trust created was helpful during inevitable moments where not all goes according to plan. I am neither a prophet nor a great sage, but with The formulation of a tight product strategy, launch and market penetration of a technology that included software and integrated hardware, we helped this client become a streaming powerhouse in Thailand, operating independently whilst also white labeling itself to other operators. This ultimately translated into a 3 million USD deal.
VP Sales - Asia Pacific at Pace Software and Services (Sold to Arris)

Size doesn't always mater.

My main task was to re-educate the market – software products are worthwhile and cost-effective no less than hardware products. As VP Sales APAC we sold software and services. I set out on a journey that lasted many months, juggling gaps and differences in business cultures between various markets while constantly being compared to the largest and leading companies in the world. proving software was equal to hardware. Despite the difficulties, this complicated journey ended in a significant win in Indonesia worth 6 million USD. Persistence, relationship, respect and teamwork brought this one home.
VP Business Development at NDS

Once Upon a Time...

A leading provider of content security and digital rights management on various platforms, long before the days of streaming high definition movies on your phone. We were engaged by a leading mobile operator to explore the idea of streaming and downloading of content to PC’s and mobile devices. Today this may seem trivial, then… no small feat. Technology was one issue, licensing content was another, a somewhat overlooked issue. It was this task that brought me to Los Angeles, to engage with all the leading content providers and help our client close the licensing deals needed, both legally and at a technology level. Later when this project was launched, this experience helped me in establishing a strategy for the company’s next generation platform Infinite TV, something we all know today as Netflix, AppleTV or the likes of….but that’s another story.
Director of Business Development APAC at Alvarion

Big in Japan...

During my time, I dealt with various challenges – the most difficult was how to introduce a new disruptive technology without affecting your existing revenue streams? After looking at various strategies and possibilities a small break away “Commando” team was built to run side by side with the existing sales force, its focus was to introduce this new technology with limited effect on traditional business. As a leading company in the field of wireless communications, Alvarion provided wireless communication solutions to a wide range of customers around the world. Wimax backed by Intel set to disrupt the industry. I took the task to lead this activity in Asia Pacific, and along side my colleagues working in Europe and the USA we targeted the large telecommunication OEM’s such as Lucent, Siemens and Hitachi.. After months of work, pen hit paper and Hitachi joined us in an OEM partnership to bring Wimax to Asia. Big times in Japan.